Acquire Talent Intelligently With A Modern, Open Source Recruitment ToolmhERP has a recruitment tool that lets you plan manpower requirements, publish job openings on your website, and review job applicants, email correspondence and file attachments, all in one! |
Staffing PlanA staffing plan helps you to plan manpower requirements for your company. mhERP allows you to create a staffing plan at a company level to efficiently plan and budget new hiring. Job openings are automatically checked against the number of vacancies and available budget in the staffing plan. This ensures that you don't exceed budgets and only hire the people your company needs. |
Job OpeningWith mhERP, you can record the open vacancies in your company using the Job Opening feature. The number of job openings you can create is automatically restricted based on the vacancies in the company's staffing plan. After creating a job opening, you can publish it on your website so that interested candidates can apply for the position. |
Job ApplicantsWith a website built on mhERP, you can publish your company's job openings so interested candidates can apply. When job openings are published on your website, you'll receive job applications directly in the Job Applicant module. You can also link mhERP to your email to ensure that candidates who email you are automatically added to the Job Applicant list. |
Document StorageThere are various documents that need to be maintained when people apply for a job — resumes, cover letters, degree certificates, and more. Instead of dealing with third-party storage apps, use mhERP's file attachments to store multimedia documents of any format, ranging from text, PDFs and reports to even images or videos. |
EmailsNo need to rely on messy email chains to get in touch with your applicants — email them from your recruitment software itself! You can starting emailing candidates about their interviews, or send follow-ups. When the recipient replies to your email, the response will be fetched directly in the same email thread in mhERP, which keeps all correspondence in one place. |
Job OffersA job offer, given to candidates after interviews and selection, states the offered salary package, designation, grade, department, number of leave days, and more. Once a candidate has been accepted, you can directly send them an offer letter using the Job Offer option. This letter can be formatted with mhERP's configurable print format builder to match your company's branding. |
Employee CreationOnce an applicant accepts your job offer, you can create an employee record with just one click. All information related to the applicant will be fetched automatically into the employee document. You can also store information such as primary contact, address, date of birth, and more. Furthermore, you can manage the employee's expense claims and leaves in this tool as well! |